SEEDS Smartcontract documentation
Welcome to the SEEDS smartcontract documentation library.
Here you will find all about the existing contracts and how you can call them on you blockchain application.
- seeds.accounts / accounts.html For most account interactions, including promoting from visitor to citizen, vouching, rewards and user ranking.
- seeds.acctcreator / acctcreator.html Focused on TELOS account creation and binding to SEEDS account. (Not used right now)
- seeds.escrow / escrow.html SEEDS escrow contract to keep currency reserves, with time locks and event locks.
- / exchange.html The exchange contract is responsible for selling SEEDS in rounds and keeping reference TLOS/SEEDS pricing.
- / forum.html The forum contract implements a rankable forum used for resident proposal discussions.
- seeds.gratitude / gratitude.html
- seeds.guardians / guardians.html
- seeds.harvest / harvest.html This contract implements the Harvest protocol to distribute SEEDS based on the monetary variation.
- seeds.history / history.html The history contract keeps all stats and metrics for the evolution of citizens, orgs and transactions, generating data used by other contracts.
- seeds.onboarding / onboarding.html The onboarding contract is responsible for generating invites for new individual users, bioregions and also organizations.
- seeds.organization / organization.html The main contract used for managing organizations, scores and apps.
- seeds.policy / policy.html A contract for managing SEEDS policy creation and updates.
- seeds.pouch / pouch.html
- seeds.proposals / proposals.html The contract for dealing with SEEDS governance proposals, and voting rules.
- seeds.referendums / referendums.html A contract for managing SEEDS constitution referendum creation and updates.
- seeds.region / region.html
- seeds.scheduler / scheduler.html A general contract for time based contract execution scheduling that can be based on moon cycles.
- seeds.service / service.html
- seeds.settings / settings.html The SEEDS settings contract with all values that can be changed by referendums.
- seeds.token / token.html The main SEEDS token contract.